Create a Document Preparation Template
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Help Document Creation Template in Document Management Module
1.Document Management Module
The document management module is a module that provides the document management process in accordance with the standards. It ensures that the management systems documentation is prepared, controlled, approved, revised, published and distributed to the relevant personnel in electronic environment by passing through the approval process on the Qdms system, and that all documentation is archived and the cancellation process is carried out. It allows the personnel to access the documents within the scope of the folders / documents they are authorized and to act on the documents.
1.1.System Infrastructure Definitions/ Document Operations
1.1.1.Create a Document Preparation Template
Document preparation templates that the company uses to prepare documents within the scope of management systems can be used in Qdms. Information such as "document code, document name, preparation date, revision number, revision date, first publication date, preparer, checker, approver" in the footer/header section of the document preparation template can be automatically brought to the template from the information entered during document preparation in Qdms. For this, the company Document preparation template must be marked with Qdms Document short codes.
The shortcodes used to create a document preparation template in the Document Management Module are in the table below. In short, it can also be called the name of the document abbreviation table. These shortcodes are used when preparing the document preparation template. For example; The document abbreviation <
DOC_KODU```>``` will be used in the information entry of the Document Code field. The document abbreviation <
DOC_ADI```>``` will be used in the information entry of the document name field. In the template, whichever field information entry will be used, the relevant document abbreviations are placed and the footer and header part are created. The document preparation template of the company is created in the system and the company prepares a document in a standard structure by ensuring that this template is used when preparing a new document.
List of Shortcodes used in the Document Management Module Document Preparation Template | |
Acronym | Description |
< DOC_KODU```>``` | DocCode |
< DOC_TIPI```>``` | DocumentType |
< REV_NO```>``` | Revision No |
< DOC_ADI```>``` | Document Name |
< DOC_GRUP_KODU```>``` | DocGroupCode |
< DOC_GRUP_ADI```>``` | Document GroupName |
< DOC_HAZ_TAR```>``` | Preparation Date |
< HAZ_SICIL```>``` | Authored by Registry |
< HAZ_POZ```>``` | AuthorPositionCode |
< HAZ_POZ_TAN```>``` | AuthorPositionDefinition |
< CREDIT```>``` | AuthorNameLast Name |
< KONT_SICIL```>``` | Checked by Sicil |
< KONT_POZ```>``` | Controlling PositionCode |
< KONT_POZ_TAN```>``` | ControllerPositionDefinition |
< KONTROL_EDEN```>``` | CheckerNameLast Name |
< SORUMLU_SICIL```>``` | Responsible Registration Number |
< SORUMLU_POZ```>``` | ResponsiblePositionCode |
< SORUMLU_POZ_TAN```>``` | ResponsiblePosition Description |
< RESPONSIBLE```>``` | ResponsibleNameSurname |
< SOR_KISIM_KODU```>``` | ResponsibleDepartmentCode |
< SORUMLU_KISIM```>``` | ResponsibleDepartment |
< REV_SICIL```>``` | RevisedEdenRegistryNo |
< REV_POZ```>``` | RevisedByPositionCode |
< REV_POZ_TAN```>``` | RevisedEdenePosition Definition |
< REVIZE_EDEN```>``` | RevisedNameSurname |
< REV_TARIHI```>``` | RevisionDate |
< REV_NEDEN```>``` | RevisionReason |
< ONAY_TAR```>``` | Approval Date |
< SON_ONAY_SICIL```>``` | Final Approver Registry |
< SON_ONAY_POZ```>``` | Last Validator Position Code |
< SON_ONAY_POZ_TAN```>``` | Final Approver Position Description |
< SON_ONAY```>``` | Last Validator Name Surname |
< TUM_ONAY_SICIL```>``` | Track record of all Approvers |
< TUM_ONAY_POZ```>``` | Position of All Approvers |
< TUM_ONAY_POZ_TAN```>``` | Position descriptions for all approvers |
< TUM_ONAY_ADI```>``` | All Approvers Name Last Name |
< YAYIMLAYAN_SICIL```>``` | Published by Sicili |
< YAYIMLAYAN_POZ```>``` | Published by position code |
< YAYIMLAYAN_POZ_TAN```>``` | Posted by position description |
< PUBLISHER```>``` | Publisher name surname |
< YONETIM_SISTEMLERI```>``` | Management Systems |
< REFERANS_DOKUMANLAR```>``` | ReferenceDocs |
< GRUP_EGITICI```>``` | Instructor |
< X_ONAY_ADI```>``` | X. Approver's Name (X=1,2,3...) |
< X_ONAY_SCL```>``` | X. Approver's Record(X=1,2,3...) |
< X_ONAY_POZ```>``` | X. Approver's Position Code(X=1,2,3...) |
< X_ONAY_POZ_TAN```>``` | X. Approver's Position Description (X=1,2,3...) |
< PRN_KK```>``` | Controlled Copy Parameter(QDMS-GEN-29,30 parameters) |
< P_SICIL```>``` | Print Area Registry |
< P_ADI```>``` | Print Alan Staff Name |
< P_TARIH```>``` | Print Date Received( |
< P_UTARIH```>``` | Print Date Received ( hh:mm:nn) |
< DOC_TIPI```>``` | Document Type |
< KONTROL_DEPARTMAN_ADI```>``` | Controlling person's Department |
< ONAYLAYAN_DEPARTMAN_ADI```>``` | Final Approver's Department |
< REVISION```>```** | Revision |
< KONTROL_TAR```>``` | Check date |
< REV_EDEN_DEPARTMAN```>``` | Reviser's Department |
< PROCESSES```>``` | Processes on which weaving depends |
< X_ID```>, <X_DATE\ >, <X_APPROVAL\ >```, < X_REASON```>, <X_REVISION\ >``` | Revision History X=1,2,3.. |
< ON_KONT_EDEN```>``` | Pre-Checking Name Surname |
< ON_KONT_POZ_TAN```>``` | Pre-checking position definition |
In the event that there is no Document preparation template belonging to the company, a Document preparation template structure can be prepared in a standard way by taking the Procedures or Instructions documents of the company, emptying the information in the content and applying the processes in the template preparation of the lower and upper headings. The purpose of the document preparation template used when preparing documents is to ensure that the document we prepare is formed in a standard structure. The example includes a Document provisioning template. In this Document preparation template, the abbreviations in the Document abbreviation table are used. In this user help document, how to introduce the document preparation template to the system in the Document Management Module, how to assign the introduced Document preparation templates to folders and the stages of preparing a Document with the introduced Document preparation template will be explained.
1.1.2.Process of assigning the Document Preparation template to the System in the Document Management Module
In the Document Management Module, the process of assigning the document preparation template to the system is uploaded to the template created with the Document System Transfer menu in an appropriate folder (for example; Templates folder) without control / approval, by selecting "Document Type: Form / Document Template".
1.1.3.Document Transfer
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ Document Operations/ Document System Transfer
It is a menu where documents that have previously completed the approval and distribution processes can be quickly included in the system without going to approval and control in the system. The only difference from the Document Preparation menu is that there are no approval mechanisms. Document Transfer to the System is used by system administrators. With the help of this menu, the Document preparation template is uploaded to the system by selecting the Document Type Form in the Document type field as checked / Unapproved and checking the relevant option Document Template check box.
On the screen that opens, the folder to which the document will be transferred is selected and the ! Click the (Next) button.
In the Document information tab, detailed information such as Document name, Preparation date of the document is entered.
In the Other information tab, the type of document we will upload to the system is determined by checking the relevant check box in the Document and Form options. Since it is a document preparation template that we will upload to the system, the document type form is selected. Since the document preparation template is a template from the form usage options, the check box related to the document template is checked. After the document preparation template is specified as a document template, the Document tab is clicked.
After all the information is entered into the system, from the "Document File Upload (Turkish)" field! The document is imported with the (Add File) button.
On the document information screen, click ! With the help of the (Save) button, the process of transferring the document preparation template to the system has been completed and the process of introducing the Document Preparation template in the Document Management Module is performed.
Document Preparation Transferred to the System Go to the Document View menu to view that the template has been uploaded to the system.
1.2.Integrated Management System/ Document Operations
1.2.1.Document View
Menu Name: Integrated Management System/ Document Operations/ Document Vision
It is the menu where all published documents are displayed. Personnel/user groups authorized to view documents can view the relevant document. We will display the Document Preparation Template that we have uploaded with the Document Transfer to the system menu in this menu. When the Document View menu opens, the folder tree is displayed on the left.
In the "Document Search" tab on the Document Vision screen, the search process is performed by filtering the documents according to the desired criteria. On the Document search tab, in the Document type field, the option is selected by checking the Form related check box. After the selected Form option, the Document template check box is checked in the Form usage area because our document preparation template is a template. The folder to which we uploaded our document is linked to the Folder to which it is linked in the Select Document Folder List in the Folder field to which it is attached is the search process according to the desired criterion(search) We perform it by clicking the button.
In the Document Vision menu, the content of the document preparation template code uploaded to the system is displayed by clicking.
It was seen in the screenshot that the shortcodes did not work in the Document prepared template uploaded to the system in the document vision menu. The reason why these shortcodes do not work is that you have not yet done document preparation in a Document Preparation menu using this template.
1.2.2.Document Preparation in Document Management Module Process of assigning Folder of the template
In order to perform the assignment of the Document Preparation Template to the Folders, the process of defining a new folder in the Folder Definition menu or updating a folder defined in the system is performed and assigning the Document Preparation template field to the folder by adding the Document Preparation template field uploaded to the system on the screen opened by updating the system.
1.2.3.Define a Folder
Menu Name: Integrated Management System/ Document Operations/ Folder Identification
It is the menu where the folders where the documents in Qdms will be managed are created and organized. On the Folder Definition screen, first of all, the folder tree structure must be decided. A folder tree structure is created according to the organizational structure, processes, document types, management systems, departments or the structure that the company deems appropriate. If the document preparation template is to be used for which folder in document preparation, it is matched with the appropriate folder defined on the folder definition screen. The document preparation template is opened with the relevant folder to be matched and the change button. The appropriate document preparation template is selected from the "Folder settings/ document preparation template" field and saved in the folder information tab. So; When preparing a document inside this processed folder, this matched document preparation template can be used. The company may use a different template for each document type such as procedure, instruction, handbook, or it may use a single template.
The folder named "0-Integrated Management System" on the Folder Definition screen is defined in the system. Under this folder, the folder structure used by the company is installed. To add a new folder to the Folder Definition screen, while the "0-Integrated Management System" folder is selected, click ! Clicking the (New) button opens the Folder Definition/ New Record screen. The folder structure of the company can be defined in the desired detail in the system in the form of tree breaking. By clicking the New button on the Folder Identification-New Registration screen, in the Folder Settings tab, in the Document preparation template field, it is indicated to the system which or which of the document preparation templates previously uploaded to Qdms as a template can be used when preparing documents depending on this folder by selecting the system in the Select Document List.
To perform the process of defining a document preparation template to the Main Folder Bimser General folder and the Templates folder which are the subfolders that we have defined in the system (Edit) button. Since the Folder Definition process has been done to the system before, the information about the selected folder will be edited and the process of assigning the introduced templates to the folders will be carried out. In the process of defining a new folder, the process steps are done in the same way.
In the Folder Definition menu, the Folder to be made for the introduction of the document preparation template is selected. While the folder is selected (Change) button opens the Folder Identification-Record Update screen.
The Folder Identification-Record Update screen displays the Folder information of the folder defined in the first tab. To define the Document Preparation Template in the folder, first click the Folder Settings tab. Scrolls down to the Document preparation template field. It is used in the Document preparation template field to indicate which or which of the document preparation templates that have previously been uploaded to Qdms as a template can be used when preparing documents depending on this folder. This feature is used to say "use this template" in documents to be prepared depending on the folder.
On the Folder Settings tab, in the Document Preparation Template field, (Add) button is clicked. Document Preparation Template uploaded to the system in the Document Selection List defined in the opened system
is selected with the help of the (Select) button.
In the Document Preparation Template field, go to the Folder information tab with the relevant Document preparation template and click (Save) button to associate the Document preparation template with the Folder. With this Document preparation template associated with the Folder, when preparing a document in this Folder, the Document Preparation process will be performed based on this template in the Document Preparation menu. When the Document Preparation process is done in the Folder associated with the template, the shortcodes will also be operational after the Document Preparation Process is finished. To see that the Template's Shortcodes are working, the Document Preparation box is checked in the Folder Settings tab with Unapproved/Unchecked to indicate that the document preparation process has been done in an Unapproved and Uncontrolled manner in the Template related Folder in the Document Preparation menu. Without the Approval and Control stage, the process of preparing a document using a template in the Document Preparation menu will be performed in the system.
1.2.4.Document Preparation Process
Menu Name: Integrated Management System/ Document Operations/ Document Preparation
The "Document Preparation" menu is used to prepare a new document within the scope of management systems. In order for the staff member to prepare documents on the folder, they must be defined as a user group or position on the folder authorization matrix tab and the document preparation authority must be assigned. The staff member cannot prepare documents in the unauthorized folder, they receive a warning "You are not authorized to prepare documents in this folder". That is why it is important that the folder authority matrix is created correctly. The "Document Preparation" menu opens to prepare a new document. From the folder tree structure, the folder where the document is to be prepared is selected and ! Click the (Next) button.
The Document Information tab defines the basic information for the document.
Document Type selected is selected. If it is a document that is processed, the "Form" option is checked, and if it is documents such as procedure-instruction, the "Document" option is checked.
The associated template in the folder appears to have been loaded in the Document Staging Template area. This field means Use this Document Preparation Template when preparing this document.
button downloads the Document Preparation Template to the computer. If there are translations in other languages, the document can be downloaded from other language options.
The downloaded document Preparation Template is saved to the system. In the Document tab, the document to be uploaded to the system is the document in the Document File Upload (Turkish) field (add file button) and the upload process is performed. Versions of the document in the available languages can be downloaded from the language descriptions. Uploaded document
(view file) button.
With the help of the Browse button, the file to be uploaded is selected from the system.
The message "The file has been successfully transferred" indicates on the system side that the file was uploaded.
(Submit) button allows the Document to be published and made available.
To view the document, click on the LMS```>Document Operations\
>```Document View menu. On the screen that opens, the folder where the Document Preparation process is performed is selected. After the folder is selected, the documents in it are listed.
The document code of the document prepared with the template is clicked. The document displayed on the Document Vision screen shows that Short codes are working.